Posts Tagged ‘Healthy Fried Rice’

Friday – My first day on Weightwatchers Simply Filling

I always try to keep my foods simple & filling.  Today I am going to start showing how I plan to eat using the Weightwatchers Simply Filling technique.

The first thing I did this morning was go on to my Weightwatchers on-line account and change my tracking method to simply filling.  Now when I enter any food that is on the SF list it shows a 0 value, any foods that are not simply filling it will show the Points Plus value.  I can have my normal 49 Weekly Points Allowance to use on such foods.

The main thing that I really enjoy about this style of eating is that it encourages me to eat mainly whole foods.

Breakfast – 100% Simply Filling

Breakfat 22nd

This morning I made an eggwich!  I used a multigrain thin bun.  Made an “unfried” egg in my non-stick pan using a small amount of cooking spray.  I topped this with about 1 Tbsp Low Fat Cheddar Cheese.  Served this up with a small bowl of blueberries & grapes.

Lunch – 100% Simply Filling

Lunch 22nd

I had a cooked chicken breast in the fridge that was left from a couple of nights ago.  I had this with a salad and some fat free dressing.  On the side I had some blueberries and grapes.  I also had a small bowl of 0% Greek Yoghurt with a tsp of low sugar jam.  The jam works out at 10 calories so therefore has a 0 Points Value.

Dinner – Simply Filling plus 1WPA

Dinner 22nd

For dinner this evening I made Asian BBQ Pork Tenderloin with Healthy Fried Rice.  This was really good.  The meat was very juicy and the rub that went onto the meat was spicy but not too much!!  I had forgot how much I enjoyed the Simply Filling technique for eating.  The main thing to remember is portion control.  Just because the healthy fried rice is 100% simple filling does not mean you can eat a double portion of it!!

The Asian Tenderloin was Simply Filling plus 1 WPA.  The ingredients are Pork Tenderloin, Brown Sugar, Thai 7 Spice, Steak Seasoning and Hoisin Sauce.  The only ingredient that was not Simply Filling with a points value was the brown sugar.

The ingredients for the Healthy Fried Rice are all Simply Filling Power Foods – Brown Rice, Vegetable Oil, Sesame Oil, Egg, Scallions, Green Cabbage, Carrot, Garlic, Ginger and Soy Sauce.  The only item that does need explaining a little is the oil.  When following the Simply Filling technique you are allowed 2 tsp Oil per day.  This recipe included my oil allowance for the day.

We went to an Open House this evening, the daughter of some friends was married last week down in the States, so this evening her parents held an Open House for them.  They had some cake there which I passed on, was pretty pleased with myself for doing that.

I am looking forward to this coming week and trying out a full week of Simply Filling.  My Weightwatchers online starts on Saturday.  So tomorrow will begin again with a 49 Weekly Points Allowance available to me.  The only challenge coming up will be Sunday.  We are having our family Easter Dinner this week, as my daughter-in-law will be taking the grandchildren away for Easter Week to visit with her family.  So we are having Easter a week early!!  I am pretty sure I am going to cook a ham for dinner, I am just trying to decide on side dishes and dessert.

I will need to make my mind up in the morning, so I can get the shopping all done and have my menu ready for week.

Healthy Fried Rice (5 Points Plus)(100% SF)

Healthy Fried Rice (5 Points Plus)(100% Simply Filling)

Healthy Fried Rice

Serves 2

  • 1 cup cooked, cold Brown Rice
  • 1 tsp Vegetable Oil, divided
  • ½ tsp Sesame Oil
  • 1 Egg
  • 3 Scallions, chopped
  • ¼ head Green Cabbage, shredded
  • 1 small Carrot, grated
  • 2 Cloves of Garlic, minced
  • ½” piece Ginger, minced
  • 1 Tbsp Soy Sauce

Heat pan over medium heat.  Whisk the egg with salt and pepper.  Add ½ tsp vegetable oil to the pan.  Add the egg and cook until just scrambled.  Remove from pan and set aside.

Add the remaining ½ tsp vegetable oil and sesame oil to the hot pan.  Add the scallions, cabbage, carrot, garlic, ginger.  Cook for 1-2 mins until they just begin to soften.

Add the rice and cook for 2-4 more mins, stirring constantly, until the rice begins to crisp up

Simply Filling: Simple and Filling Food Choices

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